Our Story
Started with Love
When I was a kid in Taiwan, I would do anything to avoid a bath. I would cry, scream, or even lay on the floor and play dead. Oh man, it was a struggle! It wasn’t because I liked to be dirty. It was just that regular soaps and shampoos were too harsh for my skin.
The better soaps would just burn or sting my skin, while the bad ones would give me red, itchy rashes all over my body. We tried everything. From natural products in health food stores to pharmaceutical brands recommended by dermatologists—nothing worked for my skin.
However, one day my grandma brought back the Soapberries—the little fruits indigenous people used to wash before soap was invented. With a rub, these berries magically lathered up like soap, but didn’t give me the rashes. I felt safe in the shower for the first time!
Years after, I completely forgot about that burning pain, and I finally felt comfortable in my own skin, literally. Not everyone has a special grandma, but everyone should experience what nature has to offer. We are excited and grateful to share miraculous botanicals like the Soapberries with all the delicate skins across the world!

- Michael, Founder
Funded with Passion
What’s better than discovering the best, most gentle soap for delicate skin? — Sharing it!
Yep, after college, my buddy Brian and I quit our jobs, packed our bags, and started this rollercoaster adventure. Getting funded on Kickstarter, almost going broke, selling thousands on national TV — after all, we’re glad we meet here, and we’d like to welcome you to our community.
Did you know? We’re the first (and probably only) bodycare brand funded on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo.
Thanks to everyone who supported us and made Tree To Tub a reality!
From Tree To Tub
We don't just want to take care of our delicate skin community. We want to take care of the people and the land too! That's why we partner with local communities and eco-reserves in Taiwan to harvest the wild Soapberry. With our patented extraction technology, we bring the Soapberry from our forests to your homes—all harmlessly.
Every fall, we harvest wild Soapberries in the eco-reserves of Taiwan; not a single tree is cut down. Better than organic, our Soapberries are wild and sustainable.
We then dry the Soapberries under the sun, and separate the seeds from the fruits. The seeds are then made into meditation beads. Yep, the only by-product is sacred.
Then we take the seedless Soapberry fruits through our patented eco-friendly extraction process inspired by indigenous traditions.
We then bottle the extracts along with other botanicals before they are shipped to your doorstep in recyclable packaging (we are working hard to become plastic free by 2025!)
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